This weekend I wanted to make a card for my son. Since getting my Expression, I've been making cards for other people, but not for him. I've been wanting to do something with the
squirrel in Create a Critter and using it for my son is a perfect fit. I say that because he LOVES
squirrels. Me, not so much...
We have a giant acorn tree in our front yard which is usually home to at least one family of
squirrels, so they are always in our yard. I also think he loves them so much because he and his buddies used to always sing the "Squirrels In My Pants" song from Phineas and
Ferb on Disney Channel. I must admit after hearing the song, I had to laugh and of course it doesn't hurt that I think Phineas and
Ferb are hysterical. It's a perfect show for kids and their parents.
Now onto the card. I decided to try out an S-fold and I think I actually got it right! I made the card a little bigger than I normally do since I wasn't putting it in an envelope. I know the paper is
DCWV and it's one of their designer packs, but for the life of me I don't remember the name and am not at home to look. So without
further card.
When you open it up, it looks like this....